From the Heart
500 Terry Francois Street, 6th Floor. San Francisco, CA 94158
My Crystal Tips
I will say depending on how severe your insomnia is. this is definitely a lighter energy, it's not a super duper heavy hitter when trying to fall asleep. i do have some crystals on this list that are more in that realm, but again if you have issues falling asleep, this is a great one to have by your bedside or next to you when you're sleeping, because it really does make a difference.
so my next crystal recommendation is definitely a heavy hitter on this list. this one never fails me and that is orca agate. orca agate has a cleansing influence on the auric field, especially the mental body. the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities it is stimulating to visionary states, and is a good stone to keep in one's pillowcase for lucid dreaming, and astral travel. there is something about orca agate that it needs to be close to you. so this is definitely a crystal i recommend to place under your pillow, under your mattress, if it's an issue kind of having a crystal under your pillow, it needs to just be like really close to you.
it really does help you get a very deep sleep, not only does orca agate really help us have kind of far, out trippy dreams, i've had definitely a lot of kind of like lucid dreaming while working with orca agate, which is nice, i do notice when i sleep with orca agate, when i wake up in the morning my body feels very exhausted. it almost feels like when i wake up i got hit by a truck that's how deep this sleep is it just something goes on when we're working with orca agate, our bodies our auric field i think something just gets elevated, and we get into a very deep trance when we're sleeping.
so if you have major issues falling asleep, if you have insomnia and you're looking for something to help you, definitely get blue appetite from crystal shop, and have it in the mattress or have it on your mattress with you.
Amethyst Spirit Quartz
so this next crystal recommendation is a newer one to me, that i have been loving honestly, i love this crystal so much. no matter what level you're at with having issues falling asleep, this one will definitely provide you relief and that is amethyst spirit quartz. amethyst spirit quartz is very cleansing and purifying to the auric field. it stimulates the crown chakra, opening it up fully. so we can receive downloads of spiritual information and communication from guides.
this crystal has helped me so much fall asleep. it's definitely one that i've never had an issue with. i think it's because obviously it has amethyst. amethyst is one of those crystals that's just a go-to for relaxation for sleeping, for meditation, working with this energy i feel like since amethyst spirit quartz has so many different little points,poking out of it it's almost like a helping hand like our our spirit team is trying to help us like get to a state of relaxation to fall asleep as.